23534 An invalid value for the Concurrency option was passed. Please use one of the following values:\nrdConcurReadOnly\nrdConcurLock\nrdConcurRowver\n\nrdConcurValues
23535 Can't open resultset for unnamed table
23536 Object Collection: This collection doesn't support location by text tag
23537 Resultset is empty
23538 Invalid state for move
23539 Already beyond the end of the resultset
23540 BOF already set
23541 Invalid resultset state for update
23542 Invalid Bookmark
23543 Invalid bookmark argument to move
23544 Can't move relative to current row as EOF /BOF are set
23545 Already at BOF
23546 Already at EOF
23547 An error occurred loading the odbc installation library (odbccp32.dll).
23548 An invalid value for the prompt option was passed. Please use one of the following values:\nrdDriverPrompt\nrdDriverNoPrompt\nrdDriverComplete\n\nrdDriverCompleteRequired
23549 An invalid value for the cursor type parameter was passed. Please use one of the following values:\nrdOpenKeyset\nrdOpenDynamic\nrdOpenStatic\n\nrdOpenForwardOnly.
23626 Field not bound correctly
23627 Unbound Field - Use GetChunk
23628 Can't assign value to unbound field
23629 Can't assign value to non-updatable field
23630 Can't assign value to field unless in edit mode
23631 Incorrect type for parameter
23632 Object Collection: Couldn't find item indicated by text
23633 Can't assign value to unbound parameter
23634 Can't assign value to output only parameter
23635 Incorrect type for assigning to rdoParameter.Value
23636 You cannot execute a query when an asynchronous query is in progress.
23637 The object has already been closed.
23638 You must specify a valid name for the environment.
23639 This environment name already exists in the collection.
23640 Object Collection:illegal modification - collection is readonly
23641 GetNewEnum:Could'nt get interface for IID_IUnknown
23642 Object Collection:Assignment to count not allowed
23643 You must use append chunk to set data in a text or image field.